My name is Ethan Alan Barnett

I am a freelance, front-end web developer and designer. Take a gander at some of my work below, or see my résumé.


ASK • Life

ASK • Life Screenshot

ASK Life Foundation is a private nonprofit that supports projects to educate poor and remote children as well as other charitable causes.

This site is written for a client in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and hosted via Google Firebase.

Shalom Olam

ASK • Life Screenshot

This was my previous portfolio/landing website. I used it to experiment with dynamic CSS and JavaScript styling. View it in desktop and mobile if you'd like to see the full gamut.

This site is written in vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and hosted in a subdirectory to the current site via Google Firebase.

Big Thicket Network

Big Thicket Network Screenshot

This dummy (front-end only) web app is generated with vanilla JavaScript into an otherwise empty HTML boilerplate. It allows a user to log in and create microblog posts.

It is written with an object oriented approach (as well as a bad CSS approach).

Username: UserOfWebz
Password: admin1


Click to open PDF

Ethan's Résumé

This site is running vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

console.log('hello world!');